ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 4784 Firstedition 2022-01 Building and civil engineering sealantsDeterminationofsurface curetime Mastics pourlebatiment etlegeniecivil-Determinationdutemps depolymerisation en surface Referencenumber IS04784:2022(E) ISO2022 Copyrigh IS04784:2022(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2022 All rights reserved.Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context ofits implementation,no part of this publication may the internet or an intranet,without prior written permission.Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below orIso'smemberbodyinthecountryoftherequester. ISO copyrightoffice CP401.Ch.deBlandonnet8 CH-1214Vernier,Geneva Phone:+4122 749 01 11 Publishedin Switzerland zaa IS02022-Allrightsreserved
ISO 4784 2022 Building and civil engineering sealants — Determination of surface cure time