ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 8820-5 Second edition 2015-03-15 Roadvehicles--Fuse-links Part 5: Fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures Vehicules routiers-Liaisons fusibles- Partie 5:Liaisons fusibles avec languettes axiales (liaisons fusibles électriques)des types SF30et SF51, et montagesd'essai Referencenumber IS0 8820-5:2015(E) @ISO2015 IS08820-5:2015(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @IS02015 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission.Permission can be requested from eitherIsOat the addressbeloworISo's member body in thecountry of the requester. ISo copyright office Casepostale56.CH-1211Geneva20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax+41227490947 E-mail Published in Switzerland ii IS02015-Allrightsreserved m -7 1, 11 IS08820-5:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv 1 Scope. 1 2 Normativereferences... 1 3 Terms and definitions. 4 Marking,labelling,and colour coding 5 Tests and requirements. 5.1 General 5.1.1 Generaltestconditions 2 5.1.2 Test sequence. 5.1.3 Test cable sizes 5.2 Voltage drop 5.2.1 Purpose. 4 5.2.2 Test. 5.2.3 Requirement 5.3 Transient current cycling 5.3.1 Purpose. 5.3.2 Test. 5.3.3 Requirement 6 5.4 Environmental conditions 6 5.5 Operating time rating 6 5.5.1 Purpose. 6 5.5.2 Test. 5.5.3 Requirements 5.6 Current steps. 5.6.1 Purpose 5.6.2 Test..... 5.6.3 Requirements 5.7 Breaking capacity 5.7.1 Purpose 5.7.2 Test. 5.7.3 Requirement 8 5.8 Strength of terminals 8 5.8.1 Purpose 8 5.8.2 Test. 5.8.3 Requirement 8 6 Dimensions and designation examples 9 6.1 Type SF30. 9 6.1.1 Dimensions .9 6.1.2 Designation example 9 6.2 Type SF 51 10 6.2.1 Dimensions.... 10 6.2.2 Designation example 10 7 Test fixture. .10 7.1 General 10 7.2 Materials and dimensions .10 Bibliography ..15 @IS02015-Allrightsreserved ii 21.,1~)

.pdf文档 ISO 8820-5 2015 Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 5 Fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures

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ISO 8820-5 2015 Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 5  Fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures 第 1 页 ISO 8820-5 2015 Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 5  Fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures 第 2 页 ISO 8820-5 2015 Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 5  Fuse-links with axial terminals (Strip fuse-links) Types SF 30 and SF 51 and test fixtures 第 3 页
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