FINAL INTERNATIONAL ISO/FDIS DRAFT STANDARD 17155 ISO/TC190/SC4 Soil quality Determination of Secretariat:AFNOR abundanceandactivityof soilmicroflora Voting begins on: using respiration curves 2012-06-01 Voting terminates on: Qualitédusol- Détermination de I'abondance et de I'activite de la 2012-08-01 microflore du sola I'aide de courbes de respiration RECIPIENTS OF THIS DRAFT ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT,WITHTHEIRCOMMENTS,NOTIFICATION OF ANY RELEVANT PATENT RIGHTS OF WHICH THEYAREAWAREANDTOPROVIDESUPPOR TING DOCUMENTATION. IN ADDITION TOTHEIR EVALUATION AS Reference number BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, TECHNO- LOGICAL, COMMERCIAL AND USER PURPOSES ISO/FDIS 17155:2012(E) DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS MAY ON ISO OCCASIONHAVETOBECONSIDEREDINTHE LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STAN- Copyright Intermational Organization for StandardizationNS. @ISO 2012 license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/FDIS17155:2012(E) Copyright notice This ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted underthe applicable laws of the user's country, neitherthis IsO draft nor any extract from it may be reproduced, or otherwise, without prior written permission being secured. Requests for permission to reproduce should be addressed to either Iso at the address below or IsO's memberbody in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56·CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41227490947 E-mail Web Reproduction may be subject to royalty payments ora licensing agreement. Violatorsmaybeprosecuted. @ ISO 2012 -All rights reserved No reproduction or etworking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/FDIS17155:2012(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv 1 Scope 2 Normative references : Terms and definitions 4 Principle. 5 Reagents 2 6 Apparatus 2 7 Sampling. 3 7.1 Samplequantities 3 7.2 Sampling and storage 7.3 Soilsamplecharacteristics 8 Procedure. 8.1 8.2 Toxicitytesting 6 Calculation... 9.1 Microbialparameters 5 9.2 Interpretation of data. 10 Testreport .8 Annex A (informative) Results of a laboratory ring test carried out in Germany. 9 AnnexB (informative)Comparisonofmicrobial biomassdeterminationby respirationcurve measurement (this International Standard) and substrate-induced respiration (Iso 14240-1[1])11 Bibliography 13 ili ense from IHS Not for Resa

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ISO 17155 2012 Soil quality — Determination of abundance and activity of soil microflora using respiration curves 第 1 页 ISO 17155 2012 Soil quality — Determination of abundance and activity of soil microflora using respiration curves 第 2 页 ISO 17155 2012 Soil quality — Determination of abundance and activity of soil microflora using respiration curves 第 3 页
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