ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 21627-1 Second edition 2009-09-15 PlasticsEpoxyresinsDetermination of chlorine content- Part 1: Inorganic chlorine Plastiques-Resines epoxydes-Determination dela teneuren chlore- Partie 1:Chlore inorganique Referencenumber ISO 21627-1:2009(E) @ISO2009 Copyright Inte yIHS withISC sefromIHS Not forResale ISO 21627-1:2009(E) PDF dlsclalmer accepts no llabllty In thls area. Adobe isatrademarkofAdobeSystemsIncorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the fle is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2009 electronic or mechanlcal, Including photocopying and mlcroflm,without pemlsslon in writing from slther so at the address belowor ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISOcopyrightoffice Casepostale56.CH-1211Geneva20 Tel.+ 41227490111 Fax+41227490947 E-mail Web Publlshed In Switzerland Copyricht Imematoral Organitzatfon for Standardzaton IS2009-Allrightsreserved ISO 21627-1:2009(E) Contents Page Foreword Introduction 1 Scope.. 2 Normative references... 3 Terms and definitions.. 4 Prlnclple 5 Reagents, 6 Apparatus.. 7 Procedure.. 8 Expressionofresults 6 Precision 10 Test report. Blbllography. "on'ghtsreserved ili gewithIS ut license fromIHS NotforR
ISO 21627-1 2009 Plastics — Epoxy resins — Determination of chlorine content — Part 1 Inorganic chlorine