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4851903 0642120 TT4 INTERNATIONAL ISO/IEC STANDARD 14863 First edition 1996-07-15 Information technology - System-lndependent Data Format (SIDF) Technologies de I'information Format de données independantes du syteme (SIDF) This materiai is reproduced from Iso documents under International Organization for Standardization (Iso) Copyright License number IHS/Icc/1996. Not for resale. No part of these Iso documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or with the prior written consent of Iso (Case postale 56, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fax +41 22 7341079),iHsortheIsoLicensor'smembers. IEC tSo Reference number ISO/IEC 14863:1996(E) Copyright International Organization for Standardization cense with ISC networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale 930 EO6TS 1212h90 ISO/IEC 14863:1996 (E) Page Contents Section 1 - General 1 1 Scope 1 2 Conformance 1 2.1 Conformance of Media Volumes 1 2.2 Conformance of an originating system 1 2.3 Conformance of a receiving system 3 Normative references 1 2 4 Definitions 5 General conventions and notations 3 5.1 Representation of numbers 3 5.2 Names 3 3 5.3 Structures 3 5.4 Fields 5.5 Field Identifiers (FIDs) 3 5.6 Field Tables 3 5.7 Headers 3 5.8 Indices 4 5.9 Structure description schema 4 Section 2 - Requirements for the media 4 6 Specific conventions and notations for the recorded format 4 6.1 Recording of numbers 4 6.2 Character sets and coding 5 6.3 Character set specification (CHAR SPEC) 5 6.3.1 Character Set Type 5 6.3.2 Character Set Information 5 6.4 CS0 character set 5 6.5 CS1 character set 5 6.6 CS2 character set 6 CISO/EC1996 without permission in writing from the publisher. ISO/IEc Copyright OficeCase Postale 56 * CH-1211 Geneve 20°Switzerland Printed in Switzertand mational Organization for Standardization Not for Res-ale 4851903 0642122 877 @ ISO/IEC ISO/IEC14863:1996 (E) 6.7 CS3 character set 6 6.8 CS4 character set 6 6.9 CS5 character set 6 6.10 CS6 character set 6 6.11 CS7 character set 6 6.11.1Code extension characters 6 6.12 CS8 character set 6 6.13 Source Name Space specification 6 6.13.1 Name Space 7 6:14 NS0 Name Space 7 6.15 NS1 Name Space 8 6.16 NS2 Name Space 8 6.17 NS3 Name Space 8 6.18 NS4 Name Space 8 6.19 NS5 Name Space 9 6.20 NSFC Name Space 9 6.21 NSFE Name Space 9 6.22 Strings 6 6.23 Resynchronization Pattern 9 7 Timestamp 9 7.1 Type and Time Zone (RBP 0) 10 7.2 Year (RBP 2) 10 7.3 Month (RBP 4) 10 7.4 Day (RBP 5) 10 7.5 Hour (RBP6) 10 7.6 Minute (RBP 7) 10 7.7 Second (RBP 8) 10 7.8 Centiseconds (RBP 9) 10 7.9 Hundreds of microseconds (RBP 10) 11 7.10 Microseconds (RBP 11) 11 8 Requirements for a standard for recording 11 9 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 11 10 Organization of Information on a Volume 11 10.1 Recording of Sectors 11 10.2 Organization of a Volume 11 10.3 Volume Sets 12 10.4 Recording of Fields 13 10.4.1 NULL Field 13 10.5 Recording of Field Tables 13 10.6 Recording of Buffers 14 10.7 Recording of file marks 14 11 Organization of Information within a File Set 15 11.1 Organization of a File Set 15 11.2 File Sets spanning multiple Volumes 17 11.3 Interleaving 17 12 Organization of information within a File 18 ii

.pdf文档 ISO IEC 14863 1996 Information technology — System-Independent Data Format (SIDF)

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ISO IEC 14863 1996 Information technology — System-Independent Data Format (SIDF) 第 1 页 ISO IEC 14863 1996 Information technology — System-Independent Data Format (SIDF) 第 2 页 ISO IEC 14863 1996 Information technology — System-Independent Data Format (SIDF) 第 3 页
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