ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10198 First edition 1994-01-15 Micrographics Rotary camera for 16 mm microfilm Mechanical and optical characteristics Micrographie - Caméras cinétiques pour microfilms de 16 mm - Caractéristiques mécaniques et optiques ISO Reference number ISO 10198:1994(E) ISO10198:1994(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a woridwide which a technical committee has been established has the right to be and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work.ISO (iEC)onallmattersofelectrotechnicalstandardization. circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an international Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. iSO/TC171,Micrographicsandopticalmemoriesfordocumentandimage recording, storage and use. Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. C ISO 1994 by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm,without per mission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56·CH-1211Geneve20·Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 10198:1994(E) Micrographics -- Rotary camera for 16 mm microfilm Mechanical and optical characteristics 1 Scope ISO 6148:1993, Photography — Film dimensions Micrographics. This International Standard specifies the mechanical ISO 6196-1:1993, Micrographics and optical characteristics of rotary cameras usedfor Vocabulary recording documents onto 16 mm microfilms as Part 01: General terms. specified in ISO 6199. Iso 6196-2:1993,Micrographics Vocabulary Part 02: Image positions and methods of recording. 2 Normative references Iso 6196-6:1992, Micrographics - Vocabulary The following standards contain provisions which, Part 06: Equipment. through reference in this text, constitute provisions ISO 6199:1991, Micrographics -Microfilming of of thisInternational Standard.Atthetime ofpublica- documents on 16 mm and 35 mm silver-gelatin type tion,the editions indicated were valid.All standards are subject torevision,and parties toagreements microfilm - Operating procedures. based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- IsO 7779:1988, Acoustics -Measurementofair- cent editions of the standards indicated below. borne noise emitted by computer and business Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- equipment. rently valid International Standards. Iso 10594:—1), Micrographics Rotary camera sys- ISO 5-1:1984, Photography - -Densitymeasurements tems - Test target for checking performance. - Part 1: Terms, symbols and notations. IEC 417:1987. Graphical symbols for use on equip- IsO 5-2:1991, PhotographyDensity measurements ment. Index, survey and compilation of the single Part 2: Geometric conditions for transmission sheets. Eighth supplement. density. IEC950:1991, Safety of information technology IsO 5-3:1984,Photography—Density measurements equipment including electrical business equipment. -Part 3:Spectral conditions. Iso 5-4:1983, Photography -- Density measurements Part 4:Geometric conditions for reflection 3 Definitions density. IsO 446:1991, Micrographics — ISo character and For the purposes of this International Standard, the ISO test chart No. 1 Description and use. definitions given in ISO 6196 and the following defi- nition apply. IsO 1116:1975, Microcopying — 16 mm and 35 mm microfilms, spools and reels. 3.1 synchronization of a rotary camera: Timed movement of documents and microfilm in relation to ISO 3334:1989, Micrographics - ISO resolution test the reduction ratio to record an accurate image on the chart No. 2 - Description and use. film. 1) To be published.
ISO 10198 1994 Micrographics — Rotary camera for 16 mm microfilm — Mechanical and optical characteristics
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