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ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 9666 First edition 1993-12-01 Aircraft Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle - Functional requirements Aéronefs - Vehicules automoteurs de vidange des sanitaires Exigences fonctionnelles Referencenumber ISO9666:1993(E) No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO9666:1993(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (Iso member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through isO which a technical committee has been established has the right to be and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. IsO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are a vote. International StandardISO9666wasp prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, Sub-Committee SC 9, Air cargo and ground equipment. Annex A of this international Standard is for information only. @ISO1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per mission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 . CH-1211 Geneve 20 · Switzeriand Printed in Switzerland n for Standardizatior d by IHS und Not fr esale ISO9666:1993(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Aircraft Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle Functional requirements Scope 3 General requirements This International Standard specifies functional re quirements for a self-propelled lavatory-servicing ve- 3.1 The vehicle shall be capable of accepting, trans- hicle suitable for all aircraft types commonly in service porting and disposing of waste products that can be removed from the aircraft. in civil air transport. It does not specify equipment design but highlights 3.2 The vehicle shall be used only for servicing air- certain criteria that are known to be essential for effi- craft lavatory systems and any connections to the cient operation in the airline environment. aircraft systems shall be so designed as to prevent In all cases, this International Standard shall be applied their inadvertent use on any other aircraft system. See ISO 1950 for identification marking of service points. with due reference to national regulations on sanita- tion that are applicable in the area in which it is pro- posed that the vehicle is to be used. 3.3 The unit shall be capable of servicing aircraft lavatory systems from points located at heights rang- ing from 1,6 m (63 in) to 4,5 m (177 in) above ground level. 2 Normative references 3.4 Whenever justified, the unit should be mounted The following standards contain provisions which, upon a standard, commercially available chassis in or- through reference in this text, constitute provisions der to ensure maximum economies in purchase and of this International Standard. At the time of publi- running costs. cation,theeditions indicatedwerevalid.Allstandards are subject torevision,and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged 3.5 The overall weight, dimension and stability of to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- theunitshall satisfyall regulationsapplicabletoroad cent editions of the standards indicated below. vehicles in the intended country of use, in accordance Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- with the requirements of ISO 6966. rentlyvalidInternationalStandards. ISO1950:1974,Aircraft— ldentification of servicing, 3.6 The overall dimensions of the vehicle shall be maintenance, ground handling and safety/hazard kept to a minimum. points. ISO 6966:1982, Aircraft Basic requirements for 3.7 The lowest point of the loaded unit shall be not less than 200 mm (8 in) abov

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ISO 9666 1993 Aircraft — Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle — Functional requirems 第 1 页 ISO 9666 1993 Aircraft — Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle — Functional requirems 第 2 页 ISO 9666 1993 Aircraft — Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle — Functional requirems 第 3 页
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