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(ISo International Standard 5485 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION·MEKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHH3AUMA NO CTAHAAPTW3AUMW-ORGANISATION INTE RNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Shipbuilding - Inland vessels - Fixed steel deck stairs Construction navale-Bateauxde navigation interieure-Echelles metalliques depont stationnaires First edition -1986-12-01 5485-1986 (E) UDC629.122.011.57-034.1 Ref.No.1SO5485-1986(E) Descriptors : shipbuilding, inland navigation, decks, stairways, dimensions, specifications. Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IsO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISo Council. They are approved in accordance with isO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 5485 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Shipbuilding and marine structures. This first edition cancels and replaces IS0 5485/2-1980, of which it constitutes a minor revision Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated. Initernational Organization for Standardization, 1986 Printed in Switzerland Coovriaht Intemational Oraanization for Standardization INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 5485-1986 (E) Shipbuilding - Inland vessels - Fixed steel deck stairs Scope and field of application 2.2.2If the superstructure wall is sufficiently solid at the place of installation of thestairs,thetreads maybewelded directlyto This International Standard specifies the technical require- the wall without the sideplate. ments and main dimensions of fixed steel deck stairs, used in inland vessels. If necessary, the wall may be suitably reinforced around the stair treads. It is not applicable to indoor stairs, outboard stairs, emergency andspecialpurpose stairs 2.3 Treads 2.3.1 Treads shall be manufactured by stamping from fluted 2 Technical requirements steel plates or from a steel plate having anti-slip formed lugs, or made in the form of a grlle. Treads may also be manufactured from a smooth steel plate with a fluted strip fixed on the front 2.1 Stairs part of the tread. 2.1.1 The stairs shall permit water drainage and easy removal 2.3.2 Treads shall be inclined 10 or 20 backwards for water of snow and ice. drainage. Grille treads need not be inclined. 2.1.2 They shall be made without a lower protective plate. 2.3.3 The tolerance for deviation from the theoretical tread spacing shall be ± 3 mm. 2.1.3 They shall be welded or bolted in place on lugs or brackets. The treads shall be welded or bolted to the side 2.4 Hand-rail plates. Stairs shall have a hand-rail attached to the side plate. If the 2.2 Side plates stairs are installed near the superstructure wall, the hand-rail shall be fitted only on the side opposite the wall. 2.2.1 Side plates may be stamped or bent from a steel plate in the form of a channel, -shaped profile or other suitable Forpassenger ships,hand-rails shall be fitted toboth sides of profile. the stairs. 1

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ISO 5485 1986 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Fixed steel deck stairs 第 1 页 ISO 5485 1986 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Fixed steel deck stairs 第 2 页 ISO 5485 1986 Shipbuilding — Inland vessels — Fixed steel deck stairs 第 3 页
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