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OSI) International Standard 5500 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATIONMEKAYHAPOAHAR OPIAHW3AUWA HO CTAHAAPTW3ALWWORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Oilseed residues - Sampling Tourteaux degraines oleagineuses-Echantillonnage Second edition - 1986-10-15 UDC665.117:620.11 Ref.No.1SO5500-1986 (E) 05500-1986(E) Descriptors : agricultural products, oilseeds, impurities, sampling, sampling equipment. Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (Iso member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISo Council. They are approved in accordance with IsO procedures requiring at International Standard ISO 5500 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Agriculturalfoodproducts. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (iS0 5500-1984), to which a third annex (annex C) has been added. Users should note that all international Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated. @) InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1986 Printed in Switzerland ISO5500-1986 (E) INTERNATIONALSTANDARD Oilseed residues - Sampling O Introduction 2.3 increment : A small quantity of oilseed residues taken at Correct sampling is a difficult process and one that requires one time from a single position in the lot. A series of increments most careful attention. Emphasis cannot therefore be too is taken from different parts of the fot, so that, when they are strongly laid on the necessity of obtaining a representative bulked, they are representative of the lot. sample of oilseed residues for analysis. 2.4 bulk sample : The quantity of oilseed residues formed Practically all oilseed residues are sold on the basis of the result by combining and blending the increments taken from any one of analysis of the samples, and disputes are invariably settled particular lot. by reference to the sample, so that careless or inaccurate sampling could lead to misunderstanding, delay and unwar- 2.5 reducedsample:Thequantityofoilseedresiduesob ranted financial adjustments. tained by successive divisions of the bulk sample and which will The procedures given in this International Standard are allowidenticallaboratorysamples representative of the lotto recognised as good practice and it is strongly recommended be prepared. that they be followed whenever practicable. 2.6 laboratory sample : A sample representing the quality ofthelot,obtainedfromthereduced sampleand intendedfor analysis or other examination Scope and field of application 1 General 3 This International Standard specifies methods of sampling oilseed residues. 3.1 Samples shall be fully representative of the lots from It is applicable to all oilseed residues, regardless of their presen- whichtheyaretaken.Forthispurpose,eachconsignmentshall bedivided,actuallyornotionally,intolotsofmassnotex- tation,i.e.whether in the form of meals, agglomerates or slab ceeding500tandanumberof incrementsshall betakenfrom cakes. each lot and carefully mixed to give a bulk sample from which Annex C gives a method, reflecting the present state of laboratorysamplesareobtainedbysuccessivedivision oilseed residues containing knowledge, of sampling undesirable substances which are likely tobe non-uniformly 3.2 Special care is necessary to ensure that all sampling ap- distributed, such as mycotoxins, castor-oil seed husks

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ISO 5500-1986Oilseed residues — Sampling 第 1 页 ISO 5500-1986Oilseed residues — Sampling 第 2 页 ISO 5500-1986Oilseed residues — Sampling 第 3 页
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