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6123/3 nternational Standard (ISO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKAYHAPOAHAR OPIAHW3AUMA NO CTAHAAPTW3AUMMORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers Specifications Part 3 : Dimensional tolerances Cylindres revetus de caoutchouc ou de plastique - Spécifications - Partie 3: Tolerances dimensionnelles First edition - 1985-09-15 ISO 6123/3-1985 (E) UDC 678.06 : 62-434 : 621.753.1 Ref. No. 1SO 6123/3-1985 (E) Descriptors : rubber products, plastics products, rollers, specifications, dimensional tolerances, form tolerances. Pricebased on6pages Foreword national standards bodies (isO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normallycarried outthroughISO technical committees.Eachmember body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with isO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. InternationalStandard ISO6123/3waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC 45, Rubberand rubberproducts. International Organization for Standardization,1985 Printed in Switzerland INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO6123/3-1985(E) Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers - Specifications Part 3 : Dimensional tolerances 0 Introduction 3 Definitions Covered rollers are cylindrical cores, generally of metal, with a 3.1 crown (of a rubber- or plastics-covered roller): The cover of rubber or plastics for a particular use. They are difference between the diameter in the centre of the roller and manufactured in a wide variety of sizes and hardness grades the diameter at or near the edges of the roller. depending on the intended use. The profiles and dimensions of crown are referred to and ISo 6123 consists of the following parts : measured on the measured crownface (MCF). Part1:Requirementsforhardness. For definition of the profile tolerance of the MCF see ISO 1101, sub-clause 14.5 Part 2: Surface characteristics. NOTES Part 3: Dimensional tolerances. Normally the crown is positive. If the covered roller is larger in diameter at the ends than in the centre it is called an inverse crown. 2Unless otherwise specified,a crown is symmetrical above the 1 Scope and field of application centre-line of the roller which is the centre-line of the MCF. 3 Two types of crown are usual : This part of ISO 6123 specifies classes of dimensional a)taper crown where there is a linear change in diameter with tolerances for rubber- or plastics-covered rollers and tests distance along the roller face from around the centre-line; methods for the measurement of dimensions. b) crown where the variation in diameter is non-linear, for exampie cosine crown. 4Normally the MCF starts 50 mm in from the ends of the roller cover 2 References or from the ends of any edge relief such as taper, chamfer or dub. 5 Conventionally the MCF is divided into ten equally spaced parts ISO471,Rubber Standard temperatures, humidities and from end to centre, i.e. total 20 parts. The crown shape is described by timesforthe conditioning and testing oftestpieces ten readings from and to centre, i.e. total 21 diametral readings. ISO 1101, Technical drawings - Geometrical tolerancing 3.2 cylindricity tolerance Tolerancesofform,orientation,locationandrun-out Generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on drawings. See IsO 1101, sub-clause 14.4. ISO/TR7621,Rubberorplastics covered rollers 一 Enquiries 3.3 run-out tolerance and orders Recommendations for technical information to be supplied by the purchaser. See Is0 1101, sub-clause 14.13.1. 1

.pdf文档 ISO 6123-3 1985 Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers — Specifications — Part

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ISO 6123-3 1985 Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers — Specifications — Part 第 1 页 ISO 6123-3 1985 Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers — Specifications — Part 第 2 页 ISO 6123-3 1985 Rubber- or plastics-covered rollers — Specifications — Part 第 3 页
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