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7275-85 4851903 0054284 4 W- 47-23 (ISO 7275 International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION·MEXKAYHAPOAHAR OPIAHW3AUWA HO CTAHAAPTW3AUW·ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Documentation - Presentation of title information of series Documentation-Preésentationdes titres decollection First edition -- 1985-12-15 UDC 655.535.2:05 Ref. No. ISO 7275-1985 (E) Descriptors : documentation, serials, titles, presentation. opyright International Organization for Standardizatio Price based on 2 pages d without license from IHS Not for Resale 7275-85 4851903 0054285 Foreword Iso (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (isO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISo Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 7275 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Documentation. Users should note that all international Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated. InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1985 Printed in Switzerland Copyihemationalrganizationr Standadizaion rnetworking pemited without licensefrom HS Not for Resale 7275-85 4851903 0054286 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 7275-1985 (E) Documentation -- Presentation of title information of series 0 Introduction Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, year- books, directories etc., the journals, memoirs, proceedings, To the documentalist or librarian series often present a number transactions, etc. of societies, and monographic series. of complicated problems. The rules for the bibfiographic description of series become correspondingly complex. NOTE - This definition does not include works produced in parts for a period predetermined as finite. This complexity is hard to avoid in cataloguing rules where the inter-relations have to be made clear between main series and 3.2 series: A serial consisting of a group (sequence) of sub-series, between parallel titles in different languages and publications related to one another by the fact that each, in ad- between the described series and other series preceding or suc- ditionto itsowntitle, bears alsoatitleapplyingtothegroup as ceeding them. a whole. The volumes of a series may or may not be numbered. The problems faced by people directly involved in describing series is refiected in whatever guidelines they try to work out as 3.3 title of a series: The title of a series, not to be confused a tool for those who actually produce the series. Unfortunately with the title(s) of its individual (monographic)volumes,is a the resulting text invariably becomes complex and littered with word, phrase, character, or a group of characters appearing on bibliographic terminology, not easily understood by editors and each item of the series, and naming the series. pubfishers. NOTE-If there is morethan one title namingthesame series,for The aim of this International Standard is to efiminate those example if there is a subtitle or a paralel title (in a different language), parts which, although important to the bibliographer, need not one of them, usually the one presented first or in an otherwise promi- beconsidered bythe editorand publisher.It tries to give simple nent position, is to be considered the main title

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