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(ISo International Standard 7384 INTERNATIONALORGANIZATIONFOR STANDARDIZATION·MEKAYHAPOAHAAOPTAHM3AUMAHO CTAHAAPTM3AUMMWORGANISATiON INTERNATIONALEDENORMALISATION Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere General requirements Essais de corrosion en atmosphere artificielle-- Prescriptions generales Firstedition-1986-12-15 ISO 7384-1986 (E) UDC620.193.2:621.793/.795 Ref.No.ISO7384-1986(E) Descriptors : metals, alloys, metal coatings, non metallic coatings, tests, corrosion tests, laboratory tests. Price based on 4 pages Foreword Iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (Iso member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards isnormally carried out throughisOtechnical committees.Eachmember bodyinterestedinasubjectforwhichatechnical committeehasbeenestablishedhas the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISo Council. They are approved in accordance with Iso procedures requiring at least 75 % approvai by the member bodies voting. International Standard iSO 7384 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of metals and alloys. Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time arid that any reference made herein to any other international Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated. ? International OrganizationforStandardization,1986 Printed inSwitzerland ISO 7384 (E) DRAFTINTERNATIONALSTANDARD Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere General requirements 1 Scope and field of application isO4623,Paintsandvarnishes-Filiformcorrosionteston steel. This International Standard specifies general requirements for the specimens, apparatus and procedure of corrosion tests in Iso 8407,Metals and alloys - Procedures for removal of cor- artificial atmospheres. It applies to metals and alloys with and rosionproducts fromcorrosiontestspecimens.1) without permanent corrosion protection or temporary cor- rosion protection. 3 Definition The requirements specified in this Internationat Standard are in- tended for application in other International Standards dealing For the purpose of this International Standard, the following with corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres as well as in ac- definition applies. celerated methodsof test and theconstructionof new chambers. corrosiontests inartificialatmospheres:Laboratorytests conducted in air,inthe presenceof intensifyingfactors influen- cing corrosionof metallic materials andalloys with and without 2 References permanentortemporarycorrosionprotection. Iso1456,Metalliccoatings-Electroplatedcoatingsofnickel NOTE -- Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres attempt to reproduce plus chromium. corrosion effects under service conditions, such as atmospheric or other environments. ISo1458,Metallic coatings-Electroplatedcoatingsofnickel. ISo 1461, Metallic coatings -- Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated ferrous products-Requirements. 4Principle Iso 1462,Metallic coatings - Coatings otherthan those 4.1 Acceleration of the processes is achieved by intensifying anodictothebasismetals Acceleratedcorrosiontests suchfactorsastemperature,relativehumidity,condensationof Method for the evaluation of the results. the moisture and corrosive agents (sulfur dioxide, chlorides, acids,ammonia,hydrogen sulfide,etc.). Iso2081,Metalliccoatings--Electroplatedcoatingsofzincon iron or steel. 4.2 The following shall be specified in the test programme: Iso2082,Metalliccoatings-Electroplated coatingsofcad- the purpose of the test; miumonironorsteel. the nature of the tested metals, alloys or means of cor- ISO 3768, Metallic coatings Neutral salt spray test rosion protection (chemical composition,

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ISO 7384 1986 Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere — General requirements 第 1 页 ISO 7384 1986 Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere — General requirements 第 2 页 ISO 7384 1986 Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere — General requirements 第 3 页
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