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ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 7399 Second.edition 1990-11-01 Motorcycles -- Alternating current flasher units Motocycles -- Centrales clignotantes en courant alternatif Reference number ISO 7399:1990(E) Coovriaht Intemational Oraanization for Standardization ISO7399:1990(E) Foreword Iso(theInternationalOrganizationforStandardization)isaworldwide federationofnationalstandardsbodies(isOmemberbodies).Thework of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with iso, also take part in the work.Isocollaborates closelywiththe Internationat Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)on allmatters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- bodies casting a vote. International Standard iso 7399 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22,Roadvehicles. This second edition cancels dreplaces. first (iso 7399:1984), of which it constitutes a minor revision. This International Standard forms one of a series of related Standards: Iso7398,Motorcycles ---Direct currentflasher units Iso7399,Motorcycles--Alternatingcurrentflasherunits IsO74o0,Mopeds-A/ternatingcurrentflasherunits iso8052,Mopeds--Directcurrentflasherunits C ISO 1990 or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permissioninwritingfromthepubllsher. InternationalOrganizationforStandardization Case Postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneve 20· Switzerland Printed in Switzeriand ii Coovriaht Intemational Oroanization for Standardization ISO7399:1990(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Motorcycles -- Alternating current flasher units 1 Scope Table 1 -- Identification of flasher unit terminal This International Standard specifies the electrical Identification characteristics with which alternating current (a.c.) number of Allocation flasher units for motorcycles are required to comply terminals1) when submitted for type-testing. 1 Current supply It appliestoflashers,operating simultaneouslyor alternately1) intended for use on motorcycles, as 2 To the turn signal switch defined in isO 3833, with 6 V or 12 V electrical sys- 3 To the turn signal switch (unit flash- tems, ing alternately) 4 Commonreturn 2 Normative references 5 To the tell-tale tamp 7 "Off" circuit of the operating tell-tale Thefoilowing standards.contain provisionswhich, 8 Return for the turn signal switch, left through reference in this text, constitute provisions side of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan- 9 Return for the turn sighal switch, revision,and right side dardsare subject to partiesto agreements based on this Internationai Standard 102) Indicator fights to the left are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap- 112) Indicator lights to the right plying the most recent editions of the standards in- dicated below.Members of IEc and Iso maintain 1) Other terminal identifications are allowed. registers of currently valid International Standards. 2) When front and rear direction indicator lights of a motorcycle are individually connected to the flasher, Iso 3833:1977, Road vehicles -Types --- Terms and the corresponding terminals shall each have the same definitions. identification number. IEC 810:1986, Lamps for road vehicles Perform- ance requirements. IEC 810:1986/Amd.1:1988,Amendment 1. 4 Electrical characteristics 3 Identification Each flasher unit shall show, legibly and indelibly. 4.1 Working voltage the trade-name or -mark of the manufacturer, the rated voltage, the symbol , the short-circuit current The working voltage is the voltage existing between Ic and the identification numbers of the terminals in accordance with table1 and th

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ISO 7399 1990 Motorcycles — Alternating current flasher units 第 1 页 ISO 7399 1990 Motorcycles — Alternating current flasher units 第 2 页 ISO 7399 1990 Motorcycles — Alternating current flasher units 第 3 页
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