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7478-87 4851903 0055667 -l00-04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 7478 : 1987 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published 1989-03-01 INTERNATIONALORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION.MEXKAYHAPOAHAH OPIAHW3ALWH O CTAHAAPTW3ALMW.ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALEDENORMALISATION INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION.MEKAYHAPOAHAR GIEKTPOTEXHMYECKAR KOMWCCMA·COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE Information processing systems - Data communication Multilink procedures TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Systemes de traitement de I'information - Communication de donnees -- Procedures multiliaison RECTIFICATIFTECHNIQUE1 The change is required to correct a potentially misleading diagram. 7478 : 1987/Cor.1 : 1989 (E) UDC 681.327-18.01 Ref. No. ISO 7478 : 1987/Cor.1 : 1989 (E) Descriptors :data processing,data transmission, communication procedure, data multilink procedures, specifications. @ ISO/IEC 1989. ewithIsOitzorland B560 29-92h2 48519030055668 5 ISO 7478 : 1987 (E) Page 10 Clause A.2 MLP reset initiated by a single station Replace the diagram with the following : Station A Station B MLP SLP SLP MLP No multilink frames MV (S)=0 MV (T)=0 R=1 Start * No multilink frames MV (S) = 0 MV(T) -0 Timer MT3 MV (R) =0 R=1 Start MV(R)-0 * Timer MT3 C =1 ** Stop C=1 米米 Stop R=0, C=0 R=0, C=0 The SLP frame that acknowledges delivery of the multilink frame with R = 1. ** The SLP frame that acknowledges delivery of the multilink frame with C = 1. censewithISC . Not for Resale Q-60-04 7478-87 6995500 E06T59h ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 7478 First edition 1987-07-01 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION MEXKAYHAPOAHAH OPTAHM3ALMH O CTAHAAPTM3ALM Information processing systems -. Data communication - Multilink procedures Systemes de traitement de I'information - Communication de donnees - Procédures multiliaison Referencenumber ISO 7478 : 1987 (E) Copyright International Organization for Standardization

.pdf文档 ISO 7478-1987Information processing systems. Data communication. Multilink procedures first edition;

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ISO 7478-1987Information processing systems. Data communication. Multilink procedures first edition; 第 1 页 ISO 7478-1987Information processing systems. Data communication. Multilink procedures first edition; 第 2 页 ISO 7478-1987Information processing systems. Data communication. Multilink procedures first edition; 第 3 页
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