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(ISO International Standard 7593 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEXAYHAPOAHAR OPTAHM3ALWA NO CTAHAAPTW3ALWM ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION ANSI It. Chain slings assembled by methods other than welding 1~ Grade T(8) Elingues a chaines assemblees par d'autres methodes que le soudage - Classe T(8) First edition - 1986-12-15 ISO 7593-1986 (E) UDC 621.86.065.4 Ref. No. 1SO 7593-1986 (E) Descriptors : lfting equipment, chains, hoisting slings, specifications, dimensions, certification, designation, marking. Pricebasedon15pages Not for Resale Foreword ISO(the International Organizationfor Standardization)is aworidwidefederationof national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standardsadoptedbythe technical committeesarecirculated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the iso Council. They are approved in accordance with ISo procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 7593 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 111, Roundsteel linkchains,liftinghooksandaccessories. Users shoutd note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard impfies its latestedition,unlessotherwisestated. InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1986 Printed in Switzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 7593-1986 (E) Chain slings assembled by methods other than welding Grade T(8) 1 Scope and field of application the requirements of this International Standard for attaching loads to be fitted to the hook of a crane or other lifting This International Standard specifies the requirements, method machine. (See figures 1 to 4.) of rating and testing of single-, two-, three- and four-branch1) chain slings assembled bymethods otherthan welding,using grade T(8) chain conforming to ISO 1834 and ISo 3076, 3.2 master link : A link forming the upper terminal fitting of together with the appropriate range of components. a chain sling by means of which the sling is attached to the hook of a crane or other lifting machine. (See figures 1 to 4.) This International Standard does not apply to chain sings assembled by welding (see ISO 4778), to sings designed to 3.3 intermediate master link : A link used to connect one have branches of unequal nominal reach, to endtess slings, or or two branches of a sling to a master link. (See figures 3 to slings designed for special applications. and 4.) 2 References 3.4 mechanical joining device : A means of connection which does not depend on welding, between a chain and ISo 643, Steels -- Micrographic determination of the ferritic another component. It may be integral with the component or and austenitic grain size. be a separate component. (See figure 5.) ISo 1834, Short link chain for lifting purposes - General con- ditionsofacceptance. 3.5 lower terminal : A link, hook or other device fitted at the end of a branch of a sling, remote from the master link or Iso 3056, Non-calibrated round steel link lifting chain and upperterminal. chain slings -- Use and maintenance. ISo 3076, Short link chain for lfting purposes - Grade T(8), 3.6proof force, Fe : A force applied as a test to the whole non-calibrated, for chain slings, etc. sling or a force applied as a test to a section of a sling. (See ISo 4778, Chain slings of welded construction - Grades M(4), clause 11.) S(6) and T(8). 3.7 working load limit (WLL)

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ISO 7593 1986 Chain slings assembled by methods other than welding — Grade T(8) 第 1 页 ISO 7593 1986 Chain slings assembled by methods other than welding — Grade T(8) 第 2 页 ISO 7593 1986 Chain slings assembled by methods other than welding — Grade T(8) 第 3 页
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