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7716 International Standard (1So INTE RNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION+MEKAYHAPOAHAH OPrAHV3AWH nO CTAHAAPTU3AWW+ORGANISATION INTE RNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Air cargo equipment -- Unit load devices transport vehicle (UTV) - Functional requirements Equipement pour le fret aerien - Vehicules de transport d'unités de charge (VTU) -- Caractéristiques fonctionnelles First edition --- 1985-09-01 UDC 621.868.2 : 629.7.045 Ref. No. ISO 7716-1985 (E) SO 7716-1985 (E) Descriptors : freight transport, aircraft industry, cargo aircraft, land vehicles, chassis, specifications, dimensions Price based on 7 pages Copyright International Oorganizatin for Standardization Not for Resale Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IsO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 7716 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraftandspacevehicles. International Organization for Standardization, 1985 C Printed in Switzerland tted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO T716-1985 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Air cargo equipment - Unit load devices transport vehicle (UTV) -- Functional requirements 0 Introduction c) 3 175 mm × 2 438 mm × up to 2 438 or 2 977 mm (125.0 in × 96.0 in × up to 96.0 or 118.0 in), maximum This International Standard shall be read in conjunction with gross weight 6 804 kg (15 000 Ib); ISO 4116, ISO 6966 and 1SO 7715. d) 2 991 mm × 2 438 mm × 2 438 mm (117.75 in × 96.0 in × 96.0 in), maximum gross weight 5 670 kg (12 500 Ib); 1 Scope and field of application e) 6 058 mm × 2 438 mm × up to 2 438 or 2 977 mm This International Standard specifies minimum functional re- (238.5 in × 96.0 in × up to 96.0 or 118.0 in), maximum quirements for type 3, class A, air cargo unit load device (ULD) gross weight 11 340 kg (25 000 Ib); chassis in accordance with the terminology defined in f) 12 192 mm × 2 438 mm × 2 438 mm ISO 7715. (480.0 in × 96.0 in × 96.0 in), maximum gross weight This International Standard outlinesthe functional re 20 412 kg (45 000 Ib). quirements for a ULD transport vehicle, capable of carrying unit load devices over airport and public roads and transferring them to/from rollerized ULD handling equipment. Structure and overall dimensions of the 4 vehicle 2 References 4.1 The vehicle shall be constructed on a standard ISo 1161, Series 1 freight containers - Corner fittings automotive truck, trailer, or semi-trailer chassis. Specification. It shall provide a ULD transport platform with one of the Iso 4116, Ground equipment requirements for compatibility following capabilities : with aircraft unit load devices. a) two 2 235 mm × 3 175 mm or 2 438 mm × 3 175 mm Iso 6966, Aircraft -- Basic requirements for aircraft loading (88 in × 125 in or 96 in × 125 in) units, or four equipment. 1 562 mm × 1 534 mm (60.4 in × 61.5 in) units, or one Iso 7715, Air cargo equipment Ground handling and 2 438 mm × 6 058 mm (96 in × 238.5 in) unit; systems for unit load devices transport wnuw b) three 2 235 mm × 3 175 mm or 2 438 mm requirements. × 3 175 mm (88 in × 125 in or 96 in × 125 in) units, or six 1 562 mm × 1 534 mm (60.4 in × 61.5 in) units, or one 2 438 mm × 6 058 mm (96 in × 238.5 in) unit; Dimensions and weights of unit load 3 devices c) four 2 235 mm × 3 175 mm or 2 438 mm × 3 175 mm (88 in × 125 in or 96 in × 125 in) units, or eight Dimensions (length × wi

.pdf文档 ISO 7716-1985Air cargo equipment. Unit load devices transport vehicle (utv). Functional requirements

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ISO 7716-1985Air cargo equipment. Unit load devices transport vehicle (utv). Functional requirements 第 1 页 ISO 7716-1985Air cargo equipment. Unit load devices transport vehicle (utv). Functional requirements 第 2 页 ISO 7716-1985Air cargo equipment. Unit load devices transport vehicle (utv). Functional requirements 第 3 页
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