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7922 nternational Standard (TSO Leeks Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport Poireaux -- Guide pour I'entreposage et le transport refrigeré First edition - 1985-07-15 UDC 635.26 : 664.8.037 Ref. No. 1SO 7922-1985 (E) )7922-1985 (E) Descriptors: agricultural products, vegetables, leeks, cold storage, transportation. Price based on 2 pages ted without license from IHS Not for Resale Foreword Iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (iSO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IsO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as international Standards by the ISo Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard iSO 7922 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Agriculturalfoodproducts ? International Organization for Standardization,1985 Printed in Switzerland ited without license from IHS Not for Resale INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 7922-1985 (E) Leeks -- Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport 3 Optimum storage conditions Scope and field of application 1 This International Standard describes methods for obtaining 3.1 Temperature good conditions of cold storage and refrigerated transport of leeks (Allium porrum) intended for human consumption, for The optimum temperature for the storage of leeks is between maintaining their quality and avoiding deterioration. - 1 and +0,5 °c. The limits of application of the methods are given in the annex. 3.2 Relative humidity 2 Conditions of harvesting and putting into The relative humidity of the air should be 90 ± 5 % store 3.3 Storage life 2.1 Harvesting The storage life is from 2 to 3 months. Under favorable storage Leeks of good keeping varieties intended for cold storage and conditions and provided that the quality of the leeks stored is refrigerated transport should be of good commercial quality, of good, it is possible to store them for up to 6 months. diameter greater than 2,5 cm and the length of the bulb should be greater than 10 cm measured from the base of the roots Check the state of health of the leeks weekly or as often as They should be whole, free from abnormal external humidity, necessary and adjust the storage conditions accordingly. evidence of mechanical damage or injuries due to frost, and should be fresh and free from cryptogamic disorders and soil parasites. Operations at the end of storage 4 It is recommended that only leeks intended for direct consump tion be put into store. When removed from the cold store, the leeks should be packed by size and quality and the withered leaves as well as other 2.2 Putting into store undesirable elements on the bulb should be removed so that the white part remains clean. Leeks should be put into the cold store as soon as possible after harvesting, and with minimal handling. When removing leeks from the store, account should be taken of the facilities available for conditioning 1), in order to avoid The cold stores should have been previously disinfected, made storing leeks at ambient or high temperature when the leeks free of rats, aired and cooled. cannot be conditioned immediately. 2.3 Method of storage 5 Refrigerated transport Leeks intended for cold storage should be packed loosely in cases; if required, the leeks may be loosely tied in bundles of For the purpose of transportation, leeks should be packed in 10 to 12 leeks of the same variety and of approximately the the types of standardized packages used in each country

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ISO 7922-1985Leeks. Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport first edition 第 1 页 ISO 7922-1985Leeks. Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport first edition 第 2 页 ISO 7922-1985Leeks. Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport first edition 第 3 页
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