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International Standard 8220 (TSo INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATIONMEXAYHAPOAHAA OPrAHW3AUWR HO CTAHAAPTM3ALWWORGANISATION INTE RNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium -- Determination of the fine particle size distribution (less than 60 μm) -- Method using electroformed sieves Oxyde d'aluminium principalement utilise pour la production de I'aluminium -- Determination de la distribution granulometrique fine (inférieure a 60 μm) -- Methode par emploi de tamis électroformés First edition - 1986-09-15 UDC 661.862.22 : 669.713 : 621.928 SO 8220-1986 (E) Ref. No. ISO 8220-1986 (E) Descriptors : industrial products, aluminium oxide, tests, determination, particle size, test equipment, sieves, separation methods, aluminium, production. Price based on 3 pages Not for Resale Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsoO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 8220 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 47, Chemistry. Users should note that al Internationat Standards undergo revision from time to time latest edition,unless otherwise stated. International Organization for Standardization, 1986 Printed in Switzerland Copyright International Oorganizatio for Standardization king permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8220-1986 (E) Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of Determination of the fine particle size aluminium 一 distribution (less than 60 μm) - Method using electroformed sieves Scope and field of application 4.2 Surface active agent, non-ionic polyethoxyl, saturated solution. This International Standard specifies a method for the deter- mination of the particle size distribution (less than 60 μm) of aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of 5 Apparatus aluminium, using electroformed sieves. Ordinary laboratory apparatus and NOTE --. There is no correlation, for the calcined alumina, between the results obtained with the square-aperture and the round-aperture elec. troformed sieves. Agitation device, for the slow oscillation of the sieves 5.1 The use of either kind of sieve should be cleariy indicated in the com- (5.2) placed on a support, driven by a motor equipped with pilation of the test report, as well as in the agreement protocols bet- reduction gear and cam, capable of shaking the sieves with a ween suppliers and purchasers if the particle size distribution is in- frequency of 1 Hz and 10 mm amplitude. dicated in the contract A schematic drawing is shown in the figure. 2 References Set of electroformed sieves, of maximal dimensions 5.2 iSo 802, Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of 75 mm (available diameter 65 mm), mounted on stainless steel aluminium --. Preparation and storage of test samples. frames and fitted with a cloth for supporting the eiectroformed membrane. The sizes of the apertures shall be 63 -- 45 - 32 Iso 803, Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of 16 μm. The tolerances shall be those required by ISO 3310/2. aluminium - Determination of loss of mass at 300 oC fconven- tional moisture). NOTE -- Electroformed sieves of 80 and 100 μm are available. They may be used with test portions of about 2 g. Is0 3310/2, Test sieves - - Technical reguirements and testing - Part 2 : Test sieves of metal perforated p

.pdf文档 ISO 8220-1986Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium. Determination of the fi

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ISO 8220-1986Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium. Determination of the fi 第 1 页 ISO 8220-1986Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium. Determination of the fi 第 2 页 ISO 8220-1986Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium. Determination of the fi 第 3 页
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