4851903 0508230 716 IS0 8526PT*2 90 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 8526-2 : 1990 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published 1992-07-01 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION·MEXKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHW3ALMA O CTAHAAPTW3ALMW·ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DENORMALISATION Modular units for machine tools - Workholding pallets Part 2: Workholding pallets of nominal size greater than 800 mm TECHNICALCORRIGENDUM1 Elements standards pour machines-outils - Palettes -- Partie 2: Palettes porte-piece de dimension nominale supérieure a 800 mm RECTIFICATIFTECHNIQUE1 Technical corrigendum 1 to International Standard 1SO 8526-2 : 1990 was prepared by Technical Committee SO/Tc 39, Machine tools, Sub-Committee Sc 3, Modular units for machine toois. Page 10 Figure 4 Replace this figure with the following figure 4. UDC621.9-229.3 : 621.869.82 Ref. No. ISO 8526-2 : 1990/Cor.1 : 1992 (E) Descriptors: machine tools, modular units, work-holding devices, specifications, dimensions, designation. 1SO1992 Printed in Switzerland 4851903 0508231652 IS0 8526 PT*2 90 ISO 8526-2 : 1990/Cor.1 : 1992 (E) Dimensions in millimetres X-X Enlarged U 3counterboredholes D2 6counterboredholes -Reference 5 surfaces of ?! edgelocators 20 40 H. Figure 4 -- Details of edge locators (when fitted) On this new figure, the dimensions 20 mm and 40 mm specified for the two edge locators shown at the lower right replace the former dimensions 18 mm and 36 mm respectively, and hence correspond to the dimensions specified at the upper left. Page 14 Figure B.1 Replace this figure with the following figure B.1. 2 Not for Resale 150 8526 PT*290 4851903 0508232 599 ISO 8526-2 : 1990/Cor.1 : 1992 (E) Dimensions inmillimetres Figure B.1 - Pallets with an arithmetic progression of the T-slot pitches The new figure shows the T-slots for pallets with nominal dimension 1 250 mm.
ISO 8526-2 1990 Modular units for machine tools — Workholding pallets — Part 2 Workholding pallets of nominal size greater than 800 mm
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